Monday, December 21, 2009

I want to do a juice fast, master cleanse diet and water fast. In what order should I do this?

I want to start out on the easiest, least intense fast, then work myself to the next one, and then finally into the water fast. What order should I do this in? I dont want to just jump into water fasting, so I think this will be best. I already have all the juice and master cleanse stuff bought, cost quite a lot of money so Im GOING to do it.I want to do a juice fast, master cleanse diet and water fast. In what order should I do this?
Whichever one you decide to do, at least 3 days before (recommended a week) try and cut out meat and/or dairy from your diet. It takes a lot for the stomach to digest these types of foods, so by taking this away is a helpful jump-start for you digestive system, and to get your tastebuds used to new foods. A day or two before I'd go strictly to raw foods.. cut out all processed stuff, this will help with your system as well. It has already started to undergo the cleansing process before you've even started! How cool is that?

I'm not sure about the order or master cleanse/juice fast... I don't think it will really matter. Never thought about doing them back to back... I'd suggest the master cleanse first, since it is meant to clean out your entire system. The whole point of the cleanse is to ';detox'; your body from all the junk we've put into it over the years (do you know that we can hold up to 7 lbs of unnecessary build-up in our colon? We've got build-up everywhere, our intenstines, our livers, etc)... so I'd cleanse first. Then I'd reintroduce the body with good, whole foods... cue the juice fast. So now your body's all clean, you'd only want to put good things into it. Your tastebuds will have already changed, and sweet/salty/processed foods won't seem as appetizing. The juice would mainly serve as a stepping stone into a healthy lifestyle! (Note: when you do come off the fast, don't opt for that cheeseburger you've been jonesing for... your stomach will NOT know what to do with it! So not only will you have serious indigestion, it will be a huge step backward into what you've been trying to remedy in the first place!) After the juice fast, introduce healthy, raw foods again for the first day or two (depends on how long you're doing this fast), and then add in a food group each subsequent day (meat, dairy, etc.).

Yes, that's the order I'd do it. Cleanse, reintroduce... and when you're up for it... a water fast. (But please: save the water fast for down the line. Your body needs to recover and get back to proper function!)

Good luck, and have fun! :)
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