Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Food Poisoning HELP..what is the best remedy.. will SALT WATER FLUSH, master cleanse help remove toxin in body

I ate some left over soup (pork caldo de res w/lemon) that I had in my car from Sunday night (im in chicago and it was cold...i guess not cold enough...i know i should of not even thought about it..) I was hungry on Monday night took it out of my trunk and warmed it up in my microwave and added left over rice from fridge. An hour later my stomach started churning..I had a feeling the left over food was a bad idea. Anyways as hours passed I felt worse in the middle of the night i threw up everything yesterday and sunday nights food too. I know I should drink water and rest, but wondering if MASTER CLENSE salt water flush would help clean out all the soup toxin in my body??? is it a good idea or bad?Food Poisoning HELP..what is the best remedy.. will SALT WATER FLUSH, master cleanse help remove toxin in body
Good idea. It really can't hurt, and the salt is curative. I once got a flu and threw up so much I was getting dilusional. I asked my husband to add some salt to my water and it made all the difference. I recovered in just a few hours and was eating again. (sea salt - not iodized table salt - if possible)

Also: Consider taking some apple cider vinegar - we do 1 tsp in a glass of apple juice (100% juice only). Ginger is settling for the stomach. You can make an easy ginger tea with the kitchen spice - 1/4 tsp ground ginger in hot water. Sweeten with honey - which will also help. Actually, a teaspoonful of honey straight wouldn't hurt a bit. Make sure you drink plenty of clear fluids.

Hope you feel better soon.Food Poisoning HELP..what is the best remedy.. will SALT WATER FLUSH, master cleanse help remove toxin in body
I'm not sure what a salt water flush is all about but... you ought to make sure that you are hydrated. If you can tolerate any sort of fluids, I would have water and a Gatorade-like drink to replenish your fluids. When you think that you're getting a bit better, have a little yogurt -- it will help your stomach recover. Then, work your way back to solid foods.
Salt will dehydrate you, when what you need is to keep your fluid intake up. Small amounts, often. Ginger, added to boiling water, with honey, and cooled. If you can take yogurt, make it a ';live culture'; type, like ';Yakult';. Food stored for more than 2 hrs, between 4 degrees centigrade, and 60c, is unsafe (39 Fahrenheit - 140F). I'd consult a doctor, or go to the ER, or free clinic. LEARN FROM THIS!!!
drink a small bottle of castor oil. they have it at walmart and agt walgreens and it cost only about a dollar. it will flush out your intestines and all the residual of the caldo. it's an old fashioned remedy but it works!
I doubt that will help. If you start feeling any worse go to the ER. Food poisoning is nothing to mess with.
that's good. but consult your doctor first. if your stomach is still in trouble...
Call your doctor. I have used activated charcoal, it is used for food poisening or and drug overdoses. You can get it in the pharmacy or healthfood store.
If you ever think you are Food Poisened, You should drink two cups of Water. It dialates the poisining. That is the first thing that the people tell you if you call the poisen controll center

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