Monday, December 21, 2009

Will my master cleanse diet be ruined if i drink tap water?

Even if i use tap water with my laxative and mint teas?? Would using a Brita water filter be ok?Will my master cleanse diet be ruined if i drink tap water?
Use the Brita water filter. Tap water could mess the cleansing up.Will my master cleanse diet be ruined if i drink tap water?
Cleanse diets are not healthy. I wouldn't worry about the tap water.

Read this article:
sometimes bottled water water contains more bacteria than tapwater.even a brita filter cannot take ot metal traces eg lead.

all in all the tapwater is probably of better quality and it containd flouride which is good for your teeth.bottled water doesnt.

when drinking tapwater let the tap run for 30 seconds to clear out any impurities and stuff in the pipe.
Any diet that is ruined by tap water is not a diet you should be on.

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