Friday, December 25, 2009

I heard Muslims wipe their behind with their bare hand. Is it true and how exactly do they cleanse with water

That is racist and shocking you will please stop the muslim bashing. It isn't funny anymore. Actually it never was.

grow upI heard Muslims wipe their behind with their bare hand. Is it true and how exactly do they cleanse with water
you know that is such a stupid and ignorant comment from you..before you let your mouth run...why don't you learn something..i really dislike ignorant people!!!!!who have no respect!!I heard Muslims wipe their behind with their bare hand. Is it true and how exactly do they cleanse with water
In some countries they do. With the left hand. Then they use lots of soap and eat with their right hand.
In many regions of the middle east it is customary to eat with the right hand and use the left hand as the bathroom hand. Does that mean they use their bare hand?? NO. They have papers just like you do, and they have soap and water, just like you do too.
Try using water for once instead of a tissue you'll know the difference!
Yeah, I've heard about it before. They only use the left hand.
You are absolutely stupid. And, I am sure a real bigot.
wtf?? where the heck did you hear that??

that is false!!
Toilets in Thailand rarely have tissue. In most hotels and homes, instead of tissue a small hand held shower nozzle is used to cleanse the area. Where there is only water, a plastic bowl is provided, usually found floating in water, and water and hand is used to clean up. Once you get used to that you will never want to use tissue again. Most men in particular, have hair round the anus,and cannot be cleansed with tissue alone, a ';skid mark'; results in the ';undies'; So you see its not such a bad question after all.. water makes much more sense than tissue and your hand is much more likely to come in contact with filth with tissue
Yes it's true and not only muslims. Several cultures in Africa and Asia do.
Its true people! Some country don't have paper to wipe with. Its not stupid, they are poor. Why can't they use their clothes to wipe with?

yep they use a bidet, its a low toilet with a fountian/sprayer for your bottom

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