Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Homemade Colon Cleanse Recipes...Salt Water?

Okay so I want my intestines cleaned out! I had a bad case of food poisining, and have had constipation in the past...but there's so much out there...I can't tell the difference between these cleanses?

so I heard about the salt flush...but do you basically just drink salt water and eat normally?

any advice would be great thanks!Homemade Colon Cleanse Recipes...Salt Water?
eat raw veggies and fruit, eat foods high in fiber. (That almost always helps with constipation.)

you can fast on nothing but water for a day

find a probiotic supplement to help keep good bacteria in your system

the salt water thing is NOT for ingesting, it's for an enema ;)

make sure it's your colon you cleanse first, cleansing anything other than that first, will just perpetuate the cycle of having the bad stuff in and keeping it in.Homemade Colon Cleanse Recipes...Salt Water?
If you drank salt water you would barf.

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